Hope on the Horizon Collection
A collection of coastal originals.
In this collection, my eyes, hands, interpretation, emotion and perspective are translated onto canvas through mixing of paint, tones that speak of a place where grief softens, where differences are met with love, where time fades into eternity, where conflict resolves, where balance is restored, where anxiety melts and true emotions are processed.
Healing rises along these horizon lines. Go ahead, take a look.

Hope on the Horizon
A Coastal Collection of Originals

“Hope on the Horizon”
A Collection of Coastal Originals
Contentment. Nourishment. A balance of adventure and peace. This is what the coast of Maine offers.
The truth is from a young age, I've felt healing and hope in nature. I’d step out of the house and into the woods to a nearby, trickling brook. On the stream’s edge was a bank lined with hemlocks and pines. The earth gave way to a hidden “Clay Mountain,” I called it, and I’d put my hands on that cold, smooth, mother-nature-made clay. I soothingly would squish and play with this earth texture in my hands. Then, I’d rinse my hands in the cold water of the stream. Between the smell of pines and earth, the tactile sensation of smooth clay between my fingers, and the soothing sounds of the babbling brook, I found myself in harmony with the environment.
As an adult, I’ve found this similar sense of peace on the quiet shorelines of Maine. The light, the hope, found along that horizon line pulls me inward and, capturing it in paint, I feel passion and humility at the same time. That place where the deep blue waters meets the expansive skies invites me to move inward maybe because it is so big that I feel insignificant looking out. But this quiet, yet overwhelming feeling of unconditional love and hope reverberates back to me.
In this collection, my eyes, hands, interpretation, emotion and perspective are translated onto canvas through mixing of paint, tones that speak of a place where grief softens, where differences are met with love, where time fades into eternity, where conflict resolves, where balance is restored, where anxiety melts and true emotions are processed.
Healing rises along these horizon lines. Go ahead, take a look.
Maybe that line is the balancing point. When things feel off-kilter externally in this world or inner turbulence takes a turn inward, step aside from the to-dos and electronics and step outside. Take a moment to gaze at that pine-lined horizon line in the distance or that soft line your eye draws where the sky meets the sea. Maybe, just maybe, when healing time is spent outdoors, on the quiet shores of Maine, truth can be heard, prayers can be answered, and peace can be restored. Here, I share the hope I find on the horizon and offer that feeling in paint to you.